Pre-Season Training Schedule Announced

Pre-Season training is just around the corner and it’s important that we have a good showing of numbers to start the year well! There are other events currently being planned, but this is the schedule as it stands today! The dates have been added to TeamSnap. If you aren’t already on TeamSnap and want to […]
Work Work Work
Hey Everyone, Here are some pictures and videos of our trainings in the last 3 weeks, we have 5 more weeks of pre-season training so come out if you haven’t already!
Pre-Season Training Schedule
Pre-season training will be on the below dates and locations. It is free for all student Wanderers. All non-student Wanderers are suggested to make a donation to help cover the costs. All non-wanderers will be asked to pay $5/session they attend. Lower Canada College – 4090 Avenue Royal H4A 2M5 – Wednesday Night 8:30 PM […]
Training on Thursday again this week!
Training will be on Thursday this week… click through for details!
Schedule and Pre-Season Prep
Check out this post right meow for schedule, registration and training information.
Upcoming Events and Pre-Season games
Important dates for AGM, training and pre-season games.
2014 Indoor Training begins
Our indoor training will start this coming Tuesday, Feb 18th at 6:30pm and run until 8pm.
Mini-Rugby program kicks off!
While winter is still in full force here in Montreal, children aged 9-12 are set to kick off the mini-rugby season.
Outdoor Training Begins
Outdoor Training Begins – Click for details!
New Season; New Laws
With the kickoff to the 2013 FRQ 15’s season just over a month away, time to brush up on some of the new laws that you’ll be dealing with in 2013.