Registration for 2016 now open

Fantastic news, everyone! Registration for the 2016 season is now open… and we need you to sign up ASAP! Rugby Quebec requires that clubs have a certain number of players registered for the teams to get on the schedule, and we need your help to get there! Please visit the below link to register and […]

Coach’s Presentation + Annual General Meeting

Hello All! The awards banquet was a great night, thank you all who came. We have another BIG event around the corner which is our annual meeting coupled with a coaches presentation by Andy Richardson. It is very important that we try to reach 100% attendance for this event as the coach’s presentation will define […]


Hello Everyone! You have all received by this time an email to join TeamSnap. Please open this email and accept, while you are at it please download the teamsnap app onto your phones. For all alumni/old boys you can check out the page here: If you would like to join as an old boy just […]

Registration for the 2011 Season

Its that time of year again: Time to get registered! Visit the Registration page for all the details… please note that we have a registration deadline of April 9th, so if you plan to play rugby for the Montreal Wanderers this year, we need you to get registered ASAP.
