Exhibition Match – Ajax Wanderers

The Ajax Wanderers are coming to Montreal, and we'll happily partake in our own special brand of Wanderer-on-Wanderer violence. Click to read more....

The Ajax Wanderers are coming to Montreal, and we’ll happily partake in our own special brand of Wanderer-on-Wanderer violence.

Followed by beers (at PJs on Ste. Jacques).

Players should arrive by 11:30, so we can set up the field and get warmed up. Everyone is welcome, so show up with your gear and we’ll do our best to get everyone on the field. We will play 3×40 minute “halves”… so there should be plenty of field time to go around.

Kickoff is at 1:00pm at the “Lower Field” of Loyola high school. Map and directions are below:

The field is located behind the A&W on St Jacques, which is across from the combo PetroCan gas station and the McDonald’s.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Loyola+-+Lower+Field+%4045.45683447609318,-73.63307476043701&daddr=&hl=en&geocode=&sll=45.457241,-73.632174&sspn=0.051475,0.132093&mra=mift&ie=UTF8&t=m&ll=45.457241,-73.632259&spn=0.048164,0.102825&z=13&output=embed&w=600&h=400]

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