Week 2 – Ottawa Irish

After a forced rest over Victoria Day, the Wanderers are back at it against the Ottawa Irish. This was supposed to be our home opener, but weather conditions have conspired to keep us from the Douglas. We are playing on the turf field at Concordia – Come on out and cheer! [googlemaps http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Concordia+University+-+Loyola+Campus,+Montreal,+QC&aq=0&gl=ca&g=Montreal,+QC+H4B+1R2&ie=UTF8&hq=Concordia+University+-+Loyola+Campus,+Montreal,+QC&ll=45.466391,-73.631659&spn=0.024078,0.051155&z=14&output=embed&w=595&h=400]

Thursday training back at Oxford

As Thursday is a pre-game practice and we require a full field, we will be going back to Oxford Park for what will hopefully be our last session before the Douglas becomes available. Arrive early to ensure we get the field. Visit the training section for directions to the field.

This week’s training moved

Training has moved from Oxford Park to a park in Montreal West for this week only, due to field availability. Oxford is booked and the Douglas isn’t ready yet, so we’re moving for our pre-Irish prep. Visit the training section for directions to the field.

Wanderers Gear now available

Mock-ups for Wanderers gear have been published and order forms uploaded, now all that’s left is to buy. We want to get our first order in by the first week of June, and with the 8-week lead time, delivery will be towards the middle/end of July. Click on “Gear” in the top-navigation menu, or click […]

Week 1 results now online

Week 1 write-up Week 1 has finished and the website has been updated with Points, Cards and a write-up for the 2nds team. 1st team write-up to follow. See you all at training…. just 4 more practices until the Ottawa Irish!

2011 Season Opens This Saturday

Opening games this weekend have been delayed 30 minutes – Reserves kick off at 2:00pm followed by the Prems at 3:30pm It’s been a long, cold winter. The Wanderers lost a hard semi-final game to St Anne’s, and have had months to think about it. Touch rugby in the dome didn’t help, and that Habs’ […]

Old boys rock the Douglas once again

The sounds of laboured breath and the smell of bitterness, permeated the Douglas rugby grounds recently as old boys from all generations strapped on their boots for a chance to relive past glories against current Wanderers rugby talent. A good time was had by all old boys, and we hope that the young ones aren’t too upset […]

Opening the Season with a Bang

But really by Mr. Adrian Thorogood. It is the 2010 Wanderer’s home opener against Sherbrooke. Social networking guru and winger Matthew Barazin gives the pre-game speech: “Let’s show these farmers how men with Twitter play rugby!” Perhaps finding Matt’s incoherent clichés hard to digest, second row Adam Barrette slinks off to one side of the […]

Wanderers Get Ready for another season!

Saturday May 29th – Sherbrooke @ Wanderers Seconds XV kickoff at 1:30 Firsts XV kickoff at 3:00 Wanderers, Pat Laurin was kind enough to put together a highlight video recapping some of last year… Great way to get excited for opening weekend! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySNBpAnT9N0&hl=en_US&fs=1&] Remember to email me or Adam Sommer by Wednesday if you are […]

Wanderer and TMR coaching at work

Royal West Academy Juvenile boys team, show us some good skills during their first match up against Westwood high school. The boys showed good raw rugby talent with lots still to learn! A team of coaches from Wanderers RFC and TMR RFC are working with them and they are improving at a steady rate. We […]
