2012 Season Kicks Off

Tomorrow (Saturday, May 12th), the 2012 FRQ rugby season kicks off. Get a good night’s sleep and lay off the booze, because we need all our faculties for game day.

At tomorrows games, we will be taking a moment of silence to honor the memory of Monica Taillefer, the daughter of a Wanderer Old Boy, who unfortunately passed away this past week. We are asking all players to bring and wear a pink piece of gear to the game as a tribute. Anything from an arm band, a sock, pink tape, or a pink shirt under your jersey to show your support to Simon and his family.

Our traditional home field, located at the Douglas Hospital in Verdun, are unavailable until the end of May due to field maintenance, repair, upgrade and general housekeeping activities. As a result, tomorrow’s games will be held at CEGEP St-Laurent, located right next to Vanier College in Ville St-Laurent. Below is a map to the CEGEP… the field is located behind the main building.

[googlemaps http://maps.google.ca/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&q=cegep+st.laurent&fb=1&gl=ca&hq=cegep+st.laurent&hnear=0x4cc91a541c64b70d:0x654e3138211fefef,Montreal,+QC&cid=0,0,6368140778998551037&ll=45.511039,-73.672342&spn=0.006295,0.006295&t=m&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

2nds meet no later than 12:00pm at the field. Get ready and taped, warm up is 1245pm. Game at 1:30pm

Prems no later than 1:30pm at the field to watch the 2nds. Get ready and taped, warm up is at 215pm. Game at 3:00pm

If you are not availble for this weekends games and are in the lineups (as emailed by Sommer) please email him back so you can be replaced (email in the “about the club” section).

If you are not on the starting lineups you are a sub! Subs for the 2nds game will be named at the field, so please come prepared. Subs for the Prems will be named at the field so please come prepared. Spike is still getting to know all the players, and for future games the subs will be named before Saturdays.

Come ready to play tomorrow boys!

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