Food that Feeds the Body and Soul

An article, featuring Bill Powney, has been posted on the MUHC website. Please click through and take the time to read.

It is about 1 year ago that the Wanderers said goodbye to Bill Powney. While Bill was sick, he was looked after by the wonderful specialists and staff at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC).

One of the departments involved in his treatment and care was the “cancer-rehabilitation and cachexia clinic”, which focuses on nutritional services for patients with Cancer and undergoing chemotherapy. There is a wonderful article, featuring Bill, posted on the MUHC website. I recommend you take a few moments to read the article and learn a little bit about the immensely difficult, yet so-very-necessary, work these consummate professionals do day in and day out.

Food that Feeds the Body and Soul

Please click the link above to view the article.

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