Wanderers Go From Baby to Navy. And They’ve Never Looked Better. (1sts Write-up)

Saturday May 6 2017 Wanderers Prems 28- RCM 7. The Wanderers new kit was revealed this Saturday in preseason action against the Rugby Club de Montreal. The wardrobe may have changed from Baby to Navy, but it was the same old Boys in Blue. After a flat start on the Plateau, a flood of second […]
Annual General Meeting Reminder
Hi All, The AGM is upon us. Location below: Dawson College 3040 Rue Sherbrooke O, Montréal, QC H3Z 1A4 Thu Apr 16 2015 6:30 pm – 8:30pm Room #: 5B.13 Board Room Hope to see as many members as possible. It’s important to know all that goes into making the club work behind the scenes […]
Practice: Time + Location 2015-04-14
Hi Guys, Tonight we’re training at Parc Loyola from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. We will be releasing the practice schedule shortly for the upcoming month as we wait for the Douglas to unthaw. See you all tonight!
AGM Location + Time
Hi Guys, Please take note of the below information and free your schedule to be present for this years general meeting. Thanks! Dawson College Location: 3040 Rue Sherbrooke O, Montréal, QC H3Z 1A4 When: Thu Apr 16 2015 6:30 pm – 8:30pm Room #: 5B.13 Board Room
Annual General Meeting 2015 (AGM)
Hello Everyone! Thursday April 16th at night will be the AGM – Please book this day to be available for the meeting. Final times will be confirmed soon. It is very important that all club members attend the AGM. We will be sending out via email the topics of discussion for the meeting in order to […]
Important: Register Now!
Hi All, The season is upon us and it is coming fast and furious! The FRQ has instated a new online registration system for 2015. We and every other club in the province has till 2015-04-03 to register 44 players! The repercussions of not registering 44 players by April 03 could mean no team! Please […]
Training for Week of March 16th
Training for this week will be on Thursday instead of Wednesday; still at 7pm
La Vitesse en Rose wins Top Spot!
In a thrilling final against the small and crafty TMR side, La Vitesse en Rose (AKA Hot Karl) won the championship match this year in the Montreal indoor touch league! Players (from left to right) Craig Beemer, Colin Robertson, Jon Dex-Romagnino, Lawrence Di Pilato, Matthew Barazin, Stephen Choi, Jocelyn Barrieau, Rob Ahnert, Frederic Kakou and Marc Roche. […]
Dust off the boots… Indoor Training is here!
Dates for indoor training announced! Mark your calendars!
Photos from the SAB game
Some great action shots from the Wanderers 19-12 victory over cross-town rivals Sainte-Anne-de-Bellvue. Check them out below… and congratulations again to John Dex for his Man of the Match performance!